Scholarship Information
Now is the time to apply for scholarships! Most scholarships pertain to Seniors, but there are also scholarships for Juniors. Check out the following scholarship tips!
Lewiston's Locally Sponsored Scholarships for the Class of 2024
National Honor Society Scholarship
Lewiston Alumni Association Scholarship *
Lewiston Teachers Association Scholarship
Lewiston LCS Club Scholarship
Lewiston Consolidated School Foundation Scholarship *
Western National Bank Scholarship
Merna Wischmeier Memorial Scholarship *
Kiwanis/MUDECAS Scholarship
Nelson Family Scholarship *(Lewiston Consolidated School Foundation)
Learn to Dream Scholarship *(Lewiston Consolidated Schools Foundation and the Buman Scholarship Fund
and the Southeast Community College Educational Foundation)
Duane and Katherine Wehrbein Scholarship
Lewiston Booster Club Scholarship
Doris Johnsen Memorial Scholarship
Knoche Family Scholarship *
Thank you to all of the donors and the foundation for your ongoing support and generous scholarships for our students!
* indicates a Foundation Scholarship